The JET A1 and AVGAS 100LL fuel price list is valid from: 1. 2. 2025
The price list for Natural BA 98 is valid from: 11. 3. 2025
Types of aviation fuel
Price without SPD and VAT
Price with SPD and without VAT
Price without SPD and with VAT
Price with SPD and VAT
Payment options for petrol from 1. 6. 2017:
JET A1, AVGAS 100LL – Twin Trans fuel card or payment card. Cash payment is not possible.
Natural BA 98 – fuel chip or cash (CZK or €). Payment by card is not possible.
When refueling with assistance, the price of AVGAS 100LL and JET A1 increases by 2 CZK per liter excluding VAT.
SPD – excise duty, which is 9.95 CZK/litre for JET A1 and 13.71 CZK/litre for AVGAS 100LL.
(assisted refuelling by phone 24 hours in advance on +420 602 508 248)
Plátenikova 365
258 01 Vlašim
Tel: +420 317 847 211
Fax: +420 317 847 293
The supplier of aviation fuels AVGAS 100LL and JET A-1 is TWIN TRANS s.r.o., from Vlasim.
TWIN TRANS has been a specialist in the field of fuel sales and distribution for more than 15 years. It is a partner of Czech and foreign airlines and airport operators, which it supplies with aviation fuel.
Na Flusárně 168
261 01 Příbram III
Tel: +420 318 474 717-19
The supplier of aviation fuel Natural BA 98 is the company SILMET PŘÍBRAM a.s., from Příbram.
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