Landing fees

  • The basis for calculating landing fees is the MTOW of the aircraft as stated in the airworthiness certificate.
  • The landing fee is the fee for one (1) landing or one (1) touch and go at Příbram Airport (LKPM). Applies to both asphalt and grass.
  • The fee is in CZK and EUR including VAT.

Weight of aircraft

ULL - to 450 kg

A/C to 1 MTOW

A/C to 2 MTOW

A/C to 3 MTOW

A/C to 4 MTOW

A/C to 5 MTOW

A/C to 6 MTOW


JET above 3 MTOW

Landing fees in CZK

150 CZK

200 CZK

400 CZK

600 CZK

800 CZK

1 000 CZK

1 200 CZK

2 000 CZK

5 000 CZK

Landing fees in EUR

EUR 6.5 

EUR 8.5 

EUR 17.0 

EUR 25.0

EUR 33.5 

EUR 42.0 

EUR 50.0 

EUR 84.0 

EUR 209.0 

Pricing Table WordPress Plugin
  • The user (aircraft operator) is obliged to pay landing fees for the landings made. If the aircraft does not have an operator, the owner of the aircraft is responsible for payment of landing fees.
  • Payment of landing fees:

a) Operators/owners of aircraft registered in the LKPM system shall pay the fees on a one-off basis (once per month) on the basis of an invoice issued by the operator of Příbram Airport. Invoices are issued until 15. the day of the following month for which fees are due. The invoice is due within 14 days.

b) During the published period 1 APR – 31 OCT, MON-FRI 0600-1600 SAT, SUN, HOL 0800-1600 otherwise O/R 1 NOV – 31 MAR MON-FRI 0800-1400 otherwise O/R landing fees are paid at the RADIO station.

c) Outside the published hours, communication is recorded and aircraft movements are recorded by the camera system. Any landings made will be invoiced by the airport operator after the end of the calendar month, the invoice will be issued to the aircraft operator according to the aircraft registration number (so-called “matriculation”), if the aircraft does not have an operator, the invoice will be issued to its owner. The invoice must be paid by the user, operator or owner of the aircraft by the due date.